Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs, including athletic programs, or activities that receive federal funding.
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
Under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex can include sexual harassment, rape, and sexual assault.
Title IX Policies and Procedures
Students’ Bill of Rights
The State University of New York and Genesee Community College are committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking to ensure that they can continue to participate in College-wide and campus programs, activities, and employment.
Sexual Violence Response Procedures
In accordance with the Victim/Survivor Bill of Rights, victims/survivors shall have the right to pursue a number of options in response to sexual violence. See also Sexual Assault & Violence Response (SAVR) Resources available from the State University of NY [SUNY].
Confidentially Disclosing Sexual Violence
The State University of New York and Genesee Community College want the victim/survivor to get the information and support he/she needs regardless of whether he/she would like to move forward with a report of sexual violence to campus officials or to police. This document is aimed at helping the victim/survivor understand how confidentiality applies to different resources that may be available to them.
Grievance Process for Addressing Formal Complaints of Sexual Harassment Under the Title IX Regulations
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 prohibits any person in the United States from being discriminated against on the basis of sex in seeking access to any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. The U.S. Department of Education, which enforces Title IX, has long defined the meaning of Title IX’s prohibition on sex discrimination broadly to include various forms of sexual harassment and sexual violence that interfere with a student’s ability to equally access our educational programs and opportunities. For more information, please review Genesee Community College’s Grievance Process for Addressing Formal Complaints of
Sexual Harassment Under the Title IX Regulations.
Student Code of Conduct
The student Code of Conduct at GCC exists to protect the interests of the college community and to challenge those whose behavior is not in accordance with our policies. The student Code of Conduct can be viewed and downloaded here.
Policy on Sexual Harassment
Genesee Community College operates under Executive Order #19 which was first issued 1983 and forbids Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Genesee Community College is committed to enforcing this Executive Order so that all employees may work in an environment that is free of discrimination.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Genesee Community College is committed to ensuring equal employment and educational opportunity without regard to an individual’s race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, gender, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, predisposing genetic characteristics, marital status, veteran status, military status, domestic violence victim status, or ex-offender status. This includes, but is not limited to, student admissions, counseling, housing, grading, financial aid, recruitment, application process, hiring, training, disciplinary actions, compensation, promotion, termination, and all other terms and conditions of employment, educational status, and access to college programs and activities.
Policy for Alcohol and/or Drug use Amnesty in Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Cases
The health and safety of every student at the State University of New York and its State-operated and community colleges is of utmost importance. SUNY Genesee recognizes that students who have been drinking and/or using drugs (whether such is voluntary or involuntary) at the time that violence, including but not limited to domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault occurs may be hesitant to report such incidents due to fear of potential consequences for their own conduct. SUNY Genesee strongly encourages students to report incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault to campus officials. A bystander acting in good faith or a reporting individual acting in good faith that discloses any incident of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault to SUNY Genesee’s officials or law enforcement will not be subject to SUNY Genesee’s code of conduct action for violations of alcohol and/or drug use policies occurring at or near the time of the commission of the domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault.
Responsible Employees
Most employees at Genesee Community College are required to report information they encounter that could be considered sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or any other sex-based discrimination regardless of when or where the behavior occurred.
If you are someone whom a student could reasonably believe has the authority or duty to take action you are considered a “responsible employee” by law, and are required to report the information to one of the individuals listed below. In other words, if a student comes to you seeking help or advice, you are most likely a responsible employee.
It is not your role as a responsible employee to evaluate whether the reported or observed behavior meets the legal definition of sexual harassment. If the reported or observed behavior seems inappropriate, report it immediately. Don’t wait or analyze the situation; just report the misconduct and let the school evaluate.
The few exceptions to this include employees operating under separate licensure, or with the privilege of confidentiality, such as mental health counselors operating under their license at the time of the disclosure.
While the safety of the individual and their desire for potential action will guide which office an employee chooses to contact, at least one of the following officials MUST be notified:
Christa M. Aldrich
Executive Director of Human Resources / Title IX Coordinator
Genesee Community College
Office of Human Resources
One College Road, C112
Batavia, NY 14020-9704
585-343-0055 ext. 6514
Patricia Chaya
Dean of Students
Genesee Community College
One College Road, C211
Batavia, NY 14020-9704
585-343-0055 ext. 6219
Daniel Coffey
Director of Campus Safety
Genesee Community College
One College Road, B111
Batavia, NY 14020-9704
585-343-0055 ext. 6847
For emergencies dial ext. 6500 or 9-1-1 from any campus phone, 585-345-6500 from your cell phone
SUNY Sexual Violence Prevention (SVP) Campus Climate Survey
Consistent with New York State Education Law 129-B and policies of The State University of New York, Genesee Community College participated in the 2023 University-wide Biennial SUNY Uniform Campus Climate Survey. The Survey gathered information about student and employee experience with sexual and interpersonal violence and knowledge of policies and resources.
139 students and 155 employees completed the survey, for response rates of 8% and 31%, respectively.
In the survey 14% percent of female students, 0% percent of male students, and 0% of gender non-binary students reported that they were subject to sexual harassment in the prior year. 7% of female students, 0% of male students, and 0% percent of gender non-binary students reported that they were subject to sexual assault in the prior year. 70% of students indicated familiarity with affirmative consent, 29% percent indicated that they knew where to report, and 30% could identify the Title IX Coordinator.
Genesee Community College, working with SUNY and community colleagues (including students, faculty, and staff), will use these data to improve response to violence, develop prevention programs, and will continue to study the issue. The next SVP Campus Climate Survey will be administered in Spring 2025. More information about the survey.
If you have questions about the survey or its results, please feel free to contact:
Christa Aldrich
Executive Director of Human Resources
Title IX Coordinator
Phone (585) 345-0055, ext. 6514
Patricia Chaya
Dean of Students
Phone (585) 343-0055, ext. 6219
Crime Prevention and Reports
GCC is committed to assisting all members of our community in providing for their safety and security. The College offers a variety of programs to help students, faculty and staff stay safe. Those programs are outlined in detail in the Campus Crime Report below. The campus also works with local law enforcement to keep the College community safe.
Annual Security & Fire Safety Report
In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, the Campus Safety Department is providing the following Annual Security & Fire Safety Report:
- 2021 Annual Security Report
- 2021 College Village Fire Safety Report
- Compliance Statement
- Campus Security Authority Crime Reporting Forms
Local Law Enforcement
The GCC Campus Safety staff includes a staff of New York State Licensed campus safety Officers. In the event of a crime on the Batavia campus, campus safety will act as first responders, investigate and then call the Genesee County Sheriff or State Police. It is the policy of Genesee’s campus safety Staff to assist with arrests. The campus safety Staff reports any major College crime incidents to the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office or State Police.
Registered Sex Offenders Report
According to Section 170101 (j) of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1999, all persons who have been convicted of a sexually violent offense or a criminal offense against a minor must be registered with local law enforcement agencies. Students and employees who wish to know who has been convicted of such of crimes can request this information from:
- The City of Batavia Police Department: 10 West Main Street; Batavia, NY 14020; (584) 343-8180
- The Genesee County Sheriff’s Department: 165 Park Road; Batavia, NY, 14020 (585) 343-5000
- Online at the NYS Sex Offender Registry
- Dan Coffey, Director of Campus Safety, GCC: One College Rd; Batavia, NY, 14020 (585) 343-0055 x 6240
Distinctions Between the New York State Penal Law and the College Disciplinary Processes
This table was developed by SUNY to help explain to reporting individuals and other members of the campus community the difference between the criminal process and college disciplinary process.
Pregnancy-Related Conditions and Accommodations
Title IX also provides protections for people in regard to pregnancy. Students in need of accommodations as a result of a pregnancy-related condition should contact the Office of Access & Accommodations at access@youqingbao.com. You may also visit C219 in the Main Building of the Batavia Campus. The Access and Accommodation Services web pages may also offer more information regarding accommodations and our process.
Christa M. Aldrich
Executive Director of Human Resources
Title IX Coordinator
Genesee Community College
Office of Human Resources
One College Road
Batavia, NY 14020-9704
585-343-0055 x6514
585-343-6883 (fax)
Patty Chaya
Dean of Students
Genesee Community College
One College Rd, C211
Batavia, NY 14020-9704
585-343-0055 x6314
Daniel Coffey
Director of Campus Safety
Genesee Community College
One College Rd, B112
Batavia, NY 14020-9704
585-343-0055 x6847
To anonymously report a crime or suspicious activity on campus, fill out the Silent Witness form.